
Healthy properties of silk

Silk. An amazing fabric.

It may seem delicate and fragile but silk is one of the strongest fabrics all around the world. It is made of an organic protein in nature. The protein element of this material is known to encourage healing in the skin It’s like a soft, gentle hug, even in winter.

Lightweight doesn’t mean weak. The same protein in silk conducts heat, the same as the wool, making this fabric a perfect choice to warm you up during winter days. It slips on your skin without the heaviness and pressure from other thick clothing. Even in the summer with the high temperatures silk clothes is something you couldn’t part with. Its absorbent qualities make it comfortable to wear even on the hottest day. Here’s one good reason why you should always wear your comfy kimono.

Probably one of nature’s best gifts. Silk is the best fabric to wrap yourself in, bearing the same pH level our skin has. It’s anti-allergenic, even for clinical use.

Soft, luxurious, long-wearing and visually elegant, silk does the job of making you feel cosy and look cool. Indulge in the silky-smooth feeling of this material as you go about your day’s work, and at night, dwell in sweet dreams while being wrapped up in any kind of silk.

The secret healing properties of silk

If you’ve ever wondered why Marilyn Monroe confessed that she regularly slept draped in nothing but the finest white silk sheets, that’s because of the health benefits associated with it – and it’s something we should all be doing, too.

It was a long-held belief in China that sleeping on silk pillowcases could reduce wrinkle formation on the side of the face that you sleep on.

The ancient Chinese also believed that sleeping on silk could reduce hair loss.

This alone can explain the modern use of silk both in fashionable hats and in pillowcases to assist in the prevention of hair loss and frizzy hair. Interestingly, research has found that the proteins in silk can be very beneficial in both skin and hair.

It helps to prevent allergies

Believe it or not, silk is actually hypoallergenic. The sericin residue in silk is a natural repellent that keeps away dust mites, mould, bacteria and other common allergens. For this reason, not many people are allergic to silk, which makes it very wareable for just about everyone.

It’s the ideal choice for those with particularly sensitive skin, as it’s free of any potential irrititating added chemicals so it can be worn safe in the knowledge that there’s no risk of causing an eczema flare up, skin rashes or that dreaded stuffy nose that allergy sufferers are all too familiar with.

 It slows down the ageing process

As we get older, we’re tempted to try just about anything and everything that promises to reverse the signs of ageing. However, investing in expensive ‘miracle creams’ may not be quite as effective as investing in a good quality silk pillowcase.

There has been a wealth of research into the cosmetic applications of silk, showing that sleeping on a silk pillowcase can actually prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. The natural cellular albumen found in silk helps to speed up the metabolism of skin cells, ensuring that they’re turning over and replenishing at a faster rate which in turn leads to healthier, plumper skin.

If wrinkles are a concern of yours, try switching out your pillowcases with silk replacements and reap the anti-ageing benefits!

Helps fight the symptoms of menopause                                         

It seems that silk doesn’t just hold benefits to complexion during the ageing process, but it can actually help to reduce one of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms of menopause – hot flushes. As women age, the natural fluctuation of hormones combined with a lower heat threshold can often cause sudden warmth in the body, but silk can help to counteract this.

Silk is a lightweight and breathable material that is a natural heat regulator, meaning that sleeping in silk pyjamas or bedding is not only comfortable but cooler, too. Its ability to maintain a cool and consistent temperature throughout the night can help to reduce excessive sweating and therefore slow down the unwanted hot flushes.

It works wonders for hair health

You’ll have heard the term ‘silky smooth hair’, something that we all long for. Funnily enough, this isn’t just a throwaway expression and studies show that silk can actually promote healthier, shinier hair.

It’s now commonly recognised that sleeping on a silk pillowcase can prevent the risks of hair tangling in the night, which can often lead to breakage as a result. The soft texture of silk allows the hair to slide rather than tangle and knot together, far reducing the damage that can be caused over time.

Further to that, if you’re looking to maintain your hairstyle during the night, it’s widely recommended to sleep in a silk head wrap or scarf. According to research, this can slow down the increase of oils in the hair, so you can get another few days out of your style.

 Helps to keep your skin moisturised

Suffering with dry skin? Silk! Sleeping in silk bedding can help to keep skin hydrated during the night.

Made with tightly-woven, smooth fibres, the properties of silk allow it to keep moisture close to the skin, so you’re not losing that well needed hydration as you would by sleeping on cotton. This also brings it back to reversing the signs of ageing – happy, hydrated and plumper skin means less wrinkles!

It can improve your sleep

Evidence shows that sleeping in silk bedding can in fact improve your sleep – and we all know that a good night’s sleep affects almost every aspect of your life.

For those who have problems getting a good quality sleep, it can often be down to what you’re sleeping in. Cotton sheets can irritate the skin, attract dust mites and generally get bunched up in the night – all factors significantly impacting restfulness.

Combining all of the above benefits, silk bedding and pillowcases can quite literally promote that well needed beauty sleep that we’re all longing for.

What’s more, silk fibres are one of the strongest natural textile fibres in the world. This means that silk is incredibly durable so when properly cared for, you can expect your silk pillowcases and bedding to last up to 20 years. We’d say that’s a pretty worthwhile long-term investment!